Baggage discounts may apply based on frequent flyer status/online checkin/form of payment/military/etc.
Carriage and other services provided by the carrier are subject to conditions of carriage, which are hereby incorporated by reference. These conditions may be obtained from the issuing carrier. Passengers on a journey involving an ultimate destination or a stop in a country other than the country of departure are advised that international treaties known as the Montreal Convention, or its predecessor, the Warsaw Convention, including its amendments (the Warsaw Convention System), may apply to the entire journey, including any portion thereof within a country. For such passengers, the applicable treaty, including special contracts of carriage embodied in any applicable tariffs, governs and may limit the liability of the carrier. The carriage of certain hazardous materials, like aerosols, fireworks, and flammable liquids, aboard the aircraft is forbidden. If you do not understand these restrictions, further information may be obtained from your airline.
Data Protection Notice: Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the applicable carrier?s privacy policy and, where your booking is made via a reservation system provider (?GDS?), with its privacy policy. These are available at or from the carrier or GDS directly. You should read this documentation, which applies to your booking and specifies, for example, how your personal data is collected, stored, used, disclosed and transferred.